PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Colossians 3 – Naming Sin “Sin”

I took my car to the mechanic and he said “I can fix your car.” I asked him, “What is the problem?” He responded, “All cars have problems, and need fixing.” Well, duh, but “What is the problem with mine? Did I cause it? Is there something I could do so as to not ruin my car?” The mechanic replied, “Look, my car has problems too, and I am not a perfect driver, so let’s just leave it at that.” Frustrated I drove away to find another mechanic, but before I did I went to the doctor.

“You’re dying,” said the doctor. Shocked, I asked “Why, and what from?” The doctor replied, “We’re all dying of something.” Not good enough! “Is there something I can do so I won’t die? Did I do something to endanger my health?” “Is there a medicine I can take and why do I need the medicine?” The doctor said, “Look, I’m not in perfect health, so I shouldn’t tell you why you’re not in perfect health.” Frustrated I drove away and my car broke down.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. If we think preaching grace means we don’t name sin, “sin” when God has, then we cannot be preaching God’s grace. How could someone realize they need grace if they don’t know what they need the grace for and why? Read Romans 1, Galatians 5, 1 Corinthians 6. Yes we all need grace and the Holy Spirit tells us why, and God gets specific. Isn’t part of God’s grace learning how to put away our sin? I need God’s lists of sins so I can “put it away” (Col.3:5-9), “put it to death” (Col.3:5), and “be renewed in knowledge according to the image of (my) Creator” (Col.3:10).

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