PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts – Staying Saved How We Got Saved

Reading the accounts of salvation in Acts, we witness people responding to God’s offer of grace through His crucified Son by: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, and being baptized. All of these are stated or implied in the first account of people responding to the crucified One in Acts 2.
Going to Revelation people add, “be faithful unto death” (2:10). Contextually it is “even if it means death.” However we can make the application to being faithful while we live despite what is happening to us and around us. What does faithful living look like? We stay in grace the same way we received grace:
1. Hearing constantly the word of God, applying what the Holy Spirit says. Does God want is to stop hearing?
2. Believing is trusting and we should daily put our walk in God’s hand, trusting the revealed word. Does God want us to stop believing in Him and believing what He says?
3. Repenting is living a life of changing our mind the more we learn and become convicted. This takes a continual pricked, soft, heart. Does God’s want us to ignore our new sins (or old sins returning) in our lives?
4. Confessing Jesus is Lord of our life before others is our witness as we teach and live. Does God want us to be ashamed of His Son?
5. Baptism is a death, burial, and resurrection. Our raised, new self is to not go back to our old ways. Walk in newness of life. Does God approve of us digging up the old man’s lifestyle?
As you can see, what God asks us to do to receive grace, is how we continue in grace. Keep hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, and living the resurrected life. This is living a life of grace faithful until we die.

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