PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Philemon 18 – Wronged You or Owe You

V.18 – Wronged You or Owe You

From this verse some assume Onesimus stole from Philemon which is plausible for how else could a runaway travel from Phrygia to Rome? As Paul used a euphemism in v.15, he uses the softer word “owes” instead of naming the crime.   This also sets up his next statement (v.19).   The word “account” (ellogeo) is rarely used in the N.T.  It is unlikely Paul received a bill.  It is also possible what Onesimus “stole” was simply his service, although admittedly earlier Paul referred to Onesimus’ pre-conversion status as “formerly useless.”  It is interesting that Paul does not inform Philemon that Onesimus would be charged for his sin, but rather Paul was. Could it be as a slave he had not rights and privileges that could enable him to acquire the needed money?  More than likely, it was that Paul was teaching a lesson on redemption.

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