PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 7:12 – The Golden Rule is Deeper than we Think

The Golden Rule Doesn’t Mean What We Think

“Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, do also the same for them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (CSB’17 Matthew 7:12)

I am horrible at buying gifts. Part of that inadequacy is me not paying enough attention to get to know others. What does this have to do with the Golden Rule?

The Golden Rule does not mean we ought to treat people in the exact same specific way we want to be treated. Although that sounds like that’s what Jesus is saying, that’s a lazy, shortsighted, selfish, and can’t-look-beyond-myself interpretation.

Jesus means treating people how they want to be treated which is how we want to be treated. We want people to know us so they can treat us adequately.

What’s the difference? I like motorcycles, golf, and guns. My wife does not. Because I would enjoy gifts dealing with these hobbies, does that mean I should buy my wife such presents who doesn’t like my hobbies?

More seriously, because I like straight forward talk or playful sarcasm, does that mean I talk to others how I like to be treated even if they prefer tact and less direct approaches?

Treating people the way Jesus says means getting to know people so I can then know how they want to be treated.

The Golden Rule takes more than just understanding ourselves. It takes loving our neighbors enough to understand them and then acting on it. That’s the real meaning of the Golden Rule.

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