PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 5-7 – Ask, Seek, Knock

Studying the Beatitudes and Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount leads to seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (6:33). In our spiritual infancy, we begin studying the text, asking what the text reveals about righteousness. We ask, “What does the text say?” – Technical Studying.

Then maturing, we become uncomfortably self-aware of righteous inadequacies, seeking to apply the text, studying both it and ourselves, revealing more of ourselves to ourselves. We ask and seek, “How does this apply to me?” – Personal Studying.

Approaching spiritual old age, we grow more enlightened and begin studying God and His righteousness in the text and ourselves, knocking on heaven’s door, praying to reveal and be revealed. We ask, seek and knock, “How can I be more like you?” – Divine Studying.

Studying the Beatitudes, we pray, asking, seeking and knocking (7:7); and God answers, reveals and opens.

About The Author


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