PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 17:20; Luke 17:6 – Jesus is the Tree of our Mustard Seed Faith

When looking at the heroes of faith such as Hezekiah, Abraham, David, and so on (Heb.1), it is not their perfect faith which gives us hope; it is their imperfect faith. They too are men and women with a nature like ours (Jms.5:17). When teaching of these heroes, don’t discourage people with perceived perfection, it doesn’t exist. Point out their faults and failures, for the people we are teaching share in those too. That is why they needed faith. Then point to their faith, their trust in Someone other than themselves even when not practiced perfectly. This is justification by faith. God saves no one for their perfect faith. God loves despite our imperfections, and saves not because we are perfect but because He is and we put our trust in Him. Jesus is the tree of life for our mustard seed faith.

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