PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Blessed Are the Peacefakers?

Blessed Are the Peacefakers?
There are at least 3 ways of being non-aggressive when wrong is done to others to others or ourselves: Become Fearful, Uncaring, or Displace our Rage. Being passive is not the same as being peaceful when wrong is done.
What are ways to be a peacemaker? Confrontation (properly done), Self-sacrifice (without bitterness or keeping count), and Forgiving (actually done and not self-deluded) are 3 ways of being properly peaceful.
Attentive to the problem is not passive. Protecting the innocent, Receiving within yourself any needed debt, and Forgiving the guilty; these are being peaceful, even when defending with appropriate actions or judicial force is taken against others.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God (Matthew 5:9). Why? Because in the cross Jesus was innocent protected by the resurrection. In the cross Jesus received in his own body the needed debt. And even justice against crimes committed against God and others is foreseen as the future of sinners. Blessed are the peacemakers. Too many churches and marriages need to realize being sons of God is not the passive absent of conflict, but is the active pursuit of kindness, respect, and love. Blessed are the sons of God who act like the son of God and are not peacefakers.

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