PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Mark 16:15 – Gone From This Part of the World

Considering how our society is de-evolving morally and religiously, could the United States become a mission field? Think through Christianity historically. It starts in the Middle East, in Jewish Jerusalem and moving to Gentile Antioch. Once thriving spiritual centers, they are no longer are strongholds, as Christianity almost disappeared. Rome became the center but Roman Christianity became foreign to the Biblical model. Then all of Europe became the epic-center through the Reformation. Today Europe is mostly secularized as State Churches are remnants of a past influence. Then North America became the creative force of revivals through the Great Awakening and Restoration. History says that America will lose its spiritual sense. Some now say that south of the Equator is becoming the new center. More and more Christians are being born again there into an economically poor Christianity while America’s spirituality is in decline as evident by the moral choices and political news. Is Christianity migrating again? Is the command to go unto all the world needed here because Christianity has gone from this part of the world (Mark 16.15)? Considering how our society is destroying itself, maybe soon, preachers from the poor parts of the world will start to receive our physical blessings so that they can send preachers to us.

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