PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Mark 1:16-20 – Called to the Work

Mark’s record of Jesus calling his first disciples is very instructive for the work they would be called to do. Often people hear and say, “God doesn’t call the qualified, God qualifies the called”. There is a valuable point in that saying since it focuses on God finishing us by equipping us. My point here is we can also use for God what we are accomplished at doing now. We can see this point by looking at the work they already were doing.
1. Called – While they might have been “called” to fishing as their life focus, everything begins with Jesus calling us.
2. Working – All disciples are called to work the work.
3. Fishermen – Our names such as disciples, believers, Christians are our identity, not titles, because they describe what we are doing.
4. Togetherness – As Peter and Andrew, and then James and John were working together; congregations are where we work together and share responsibilities.
5. Fishing – Reaching out to bring in “fish” is being a fisher of men through analogy.
6. Repairing – James and John were mending their nets, and so believers must prepare and repair ourselves, others, and our tools for doing the work.
7. Immediately – Don’t postpone what Jesus is calling you to do. Too much work gets undone because of too much work being delayed.
8. Priority – Not only did James and John leave their father, all four left behind fishing as their priority.
9. Sacrifice – This priority was not only their job, but a successful business since they had hired men helping. Heeding the call of Jesus calls for sacrificing for Jesus.
10. Following – Calling leads to following, and not just settling. Following Jesus is a life-time adventure.
I understand this comparison is not a pure one-to-one analogy; I doubt any comparison really is. While when we are called to follow, we might not have to give up our jobs; some do and some need to. So, while not a perfect match between these disciples and we disciples, hopefully there are enough similarities to challenge us to answer the call by following Jesus.

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