PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Luke 19 – A Wee Little Story

I don’t know about his culture, but in ours…how embarrassing! To figure out who, look for the clues. And don’t be afraid to go out on a limb guessing!
Knowing what little I do about him, he was used to people looking down on him – literally, socially, and spiritually. His job made him financially above everyone.
When he heard Jesus was passing by, he did what many in his position would not. This grown man acted like a kid and climbed a tree. Jesus told him to come down. Jesus then religiously equalized him in the sight of others by calling him a “son of Abraham too”; but didn’t overlook his shortcomings saying, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.” At being told he had fallen short he didn’t get offended.
Oh, how this man was uplifted by Jesus! He then volunteered to do the unthinkable and give half of his riches to the poor; and four times back if he cheated anyone. (I wonder how confident that “if” was).
But let’s not forget the beginning of the story. He climbed a tree. Are we willing to become a spectacle for Jesus? Zaccheus was. I hope you enjoyed this wee little lesson.

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