PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Luke 12:2-3 – Someone Is Listening

A good reason to read your Bible daily is the good daily reminders. For example: CSB’17 Luke 12:2-3: “There is nothing covered that won’t be uncovered, nothing hidden that won’t be made known. Therefore, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in an ear in private rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.”
We need to remember this when talking privately with others. I suggest this is especially important because of the impact our private talks have on our children who listen even when we don’t think they are.
The following is about preachers and elders but can apply to anyone:
“A wise man once wrote, “He who eats ‘roast preacher’ and ‘roast elder’ for Sunday brunch will eventually consume his own family.” How is this true? When an individual assaults the very people who values their souls, prays for them, visits them in the hospital and comforts them in their time of loss, who then is special to them?
“Actual Account: The parents of two young boys would often complain on the drive home from worship. They would be critical of the sermons, of the teachers, the elders and deacons. Their young boys took all that into their hearts and minds over the many trips in the car and at the Sunday meals.
“A few years later, the parents began having some difficulties with their sons. They were hanging out with the wrong people at the the wrong time and doing the wrong things. Both sons ended up in a bad situations, including drugs, drinking and fighting.
“The parents immediately asked for the loving support of their church family. Their brothers and sisters tried to help, but do you think those boys would listen to any of it? Today not one of the four are faithful. One is in prison, another sought refuge in a cult and the parents are now separated. That family died from self-inflicted wounds and the glory of God was halted in their lives.”
Sometimes what is hidden is revealed even in this life!

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