PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Kings 17 – A Resurrection Story or Two

The very first resurrection story actually contains two resurrection stories – one literal, and the other foreshadowing it through symbolic means…and maybe even a third, and a fourth.

Elijah is the one of the most glorified and powerful prophets in ancient Israel. Today among the Jews he is still celebrated every Passover with “Elijah’s cup” as they await his return. God uses Elijah to demonstrate the power of God in resurrecting the dead. While Abraham and Isaac typify the resurrection (Romans 4; Hebrews 11), the raising of the widow’s son is the first recorded, actual resurrection. Elijah stretches himself out over the boy three times praying. Maybe the has messianic significance too.

This divine power is foreshadowed in the never ending, overflowing, jar of four and jug of oil (1 Kings 17:14). Out of certain death comes continued life. The famine lasts into the third year (1 Kings 18:1; James 5:17). Again we have the number three.

Death is uncleanness. To touch a corpse brings uncleanness. And yet this story is filled with uncleanness. The raven is an unclean bird bringing continued life to Elijah. Israel is a dying nation needing spiritual revival. The widow herself is unclean and lives in an unclean land being a Gentile. The very mention of the story brings wrath upon Jesus in a Jewish synagogue (Lk.4:25-30). Out of so much uncleanness comes life.

When Jesus comes, He will touch the unclean and remain clean. He will resurrect another widow’s son. And He too will walk out of an unclean tomb, clean, new, and after three days, resurrected.

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