PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

John 8:7-10 – Identifying with Sinners

Looking at the words on the page, written in the law, the sins are impersonal and easy to apply the earned condemnation. “That” is sin and “they” are sinners. Looking at people, with names and souls, the sins are personal and more difficult to apply the earned condemnation. “That” is still sin, but “they” are us, sinners. And it should be more difficult to condemn. For each of us is a product of God’s mercy and grace, and therefore must produce mercy and grace. Forgiveness is more powerful than condemnation because forgiveness includes identifying ourselves with them. “The sinless one among you should be the first to throw a stone at her.” “The sinless one.” The one who has not sinned and cannot sin (Thayer). Starting with the older sinners, one by one, they left her un-condemned because they condemned themselves. And strangely, when we condemn ourselves we begin accepting others. They are us, and we are them.

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