PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

John 3:16 – The Commercial

You’re caught up in the fun, stuffing down snacks, and then out of nowhere, with no warning or preview, you get slapped upside the head with an personalized version of John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, the whole world, everyone, anyone, that’s a lot of people, that He gave his one and only Son, His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Wow!” That’s the commercial during the Broncos-Steelers postseason football game. Why did this have such an impact? Why was there such a “Wow!” factor?

For starters, there is the unexpected timing – in the middle of a football game. Among all the Bible verses, John 3:16 is easily the most recognizable; followed closely by those who love to quote, “Judge not, lest you be judged.” You see, the words are not unknown and unexpected, but the message and timing are. That’s a good lesson for teaching – “act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time” (Col.4:5).

On top of that, there is the unexpected source. Isn’t TV the source of such sinful promotions that require the pure in heart to turn away and turn it off? Isn’t TV the source of more filth than faith? I guess if God can use a donkey to speak His message, He can use anything (Num.22:28-30).

Then there is a good source, there are the children; pure, children. Reminds me of Jesus saying who we must become like to enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt.18:1-5). Evangelism is not just for adults. It’s for the pure in heart.

And finally there is the amazement and smiles seen on the children’s faces, and heard in their voices – “the world, the whole world, everyone, anyone, that’s a lot of people…His One and Only Son, His only Son.” The crescendo builds with all the kids forcibly and excitedly saying together “eternal” contrasted with an emphatic solitary voice emphasizing “life;” followed by a little girl, half-whispering in amazement, “Wow!” Isn’t that how we should present the gospel? Isn’t that how we should think and feel (1 Thess.1:5-10)?

Yes, wow! Wow at the commercial itself, and a bigger wow at the Source of its love, “for the world, the whole word, everyone, anyone, and yes that is a lot of people,” including me. Wow!

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