PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

John 3 – Jesus Explains What He Preaches

Jesus Explains What He Preaches
Heard an argument that born of water (John 3:5) cannot mean water baptism because there is no precedent for Nicodemus to connect Jesus’s words to. Well, if that is true, and I don’t grant that (3:10), then connect Jesus’s words to his follow-up actions:
John 3:22 – After this (i.e., after talking to Nicodemus), Jesus and His disciples went into the Judean countryside, where He spent some time with them and baptized.
Teaching can be best explained by follow up actions. So not, “I would rather see a sermon than hear one”. Instead, “I need to see the sermon that I heard.”

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