PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

John 3 – Born of Water and Spirit #4

It is my assertion that baptism is the meaning of being born of water and Spirit. As for the meaning of “born of water and the Spirit,” admittedly, the word baptism is not found in the discourse between Jesus and Nicodemus. To remove baptism as a synonym for being born of water and Spirit does damage to the interpretive process.

Therefore, most everyone believes baptism is being discussed, whether of literal water or the Holy Spirit, or both. Even though denying water baptism is the topic, admit to Holy Spirit baptism being discussed. Therefore it seems disingenuous to me, to deny both water and Spirit are both connected to baptism since both are connected to be born again.

Since some type of baptism is something basically everyone agrees to, it is not a stretch interpretively to think “baptism” when seeing “born of water and the Spirit.” However, having said that, using the word baptism is based upon other texts other than John’s (3:1-21) recorded discourse between Jesus and Nicodemus. One of these other texts though is found in the same chapter (3:22-36). The word baptism is not used until later in the text, so if we are to insert it, it will have to be based upon contextual evidence connecting the thoughts. Whether the evidence is direct or indirect decides the weightiness of the evidence.

John 3:22-24

After Jesus teaches Nicodemus, the scene shifts to Jesus and His disciples saying, “He spent time with them and baptized. John also was baptizing (3:22-23). So please notice that we go from Jesus saying we must be born again of water and Spirit, to a scene where Jesus is baptizing. John’s baptisms are taking place in Aenon near Salim because there is much water there. Baptism means “immersion” which is why John would need much water.

While not stated in this particular text, it is commonly known that John’s baptism is connected with his theme, “the kingdom of God is near.” Therefore it should not be a stretch for us to see baptism as connected to being born again of water and Spirit since both are connected to the then coming kingdom according to Jesus (3:3,5).

John 3:25-30

Then the scene moves to a dispute between John’s disciples and a Jew “about purification” which contextually involves baptism – “Rabbi, the One you testified about, and who was with you across the Jordan, is baptizing” (Jn.3:26). In traditional Judaism, there were many purifications involving water, including immersions. They today are called mikvehs. Interestingly, the purification rites for women also occurred after giving birth, and being born again is spoken of earlier by Jesus. Mikvehs are used today in Modern Judaism in converting to that religion.

So contextually, apparently there is a connection between purification and baptism, and Jesus being the Messiah. We should look for this connection in being born of water and the Spirit.

John 3:31-36

Verses 31-36 contain John’s editorial note on what has happened in this chapter. It recalls many of the themes in Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus.

  • “The One who comes from above is above all” (3:31). The word for “from above” is the same as “again” in John 3:3;
  • Flesh (3:6); “things that happen on earth” (3:12) are echoed in 3:31;
  • Jesus coming from Heaven is spoken of in both (3:13; 31);
  • Jesus being a teacher (3:2) and speaking the words of God (3:34);
  • God being with Jesus (3:2) and the Father sending and loving the Son (3:34-35);  the Holy Spirit (3:5; 8; 34);
  • Seeing and entering into the kingdom of God (3:3,5) equates having eternal life (3:36);
  • In both Jesus is pictured as seeing (3:11; 3:32);
  • Believing is echoed also (3:14,16, 36).

Since so many themes are repeated, we should see being born of water and Spirit repeated either in words or thought. And we do.

John 3:36 NASB  “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

Unless someone who is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God (3:3). This same negative way of speaking a truth is stated in v.36 – “who does not obey the Son will not see life.” The point is being born again, being born of water and spirit, is believing and obeying the Son.

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