PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

John 11 – Lazarus and Jesus’ Resurrections

The resurrection scene of Lazarus (John 11) is set up to foreshadow Jesus’ emergence from death. However there are important differences, one which took me decades to notice.

The similarities:
[ ] Both were buried in tombs.
[ ] Both tombs were sealed with stones.
[ ] Both scenes had women mourning.
[ ] Both scenes had the dead leaving behind their burial linens.

The differences:
[ ] The most obvious is Jesus never suffered death again. He died once for all.
[ ] Lazarus was in the tomb 4 days while Jesus only was entombed for 3.
[ ] Lazarus had a crowd at the tomb so people witnessed the actual resurrecting; while Jesus was raised without human witnesses but over 500 witnessed the fact of the resurrection.
[ ] There is another difference I missed for almost 5 decades! Martha objected to opening Lazarus’s tomb stating that after 4 days he would stink. We are not told he did, but that was the natural assumption. However, and this is what I missed, Jesus’ body did not suffer decay: “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices. Moreover, my flesh will rest in hope, because you will not abandon me in Hades or allow your holy one to see decay.” (CSB Acts 2:26-27). When I say I missed it, I don’t mean I never read those verses. Somehow they didn’t sink in. We aren’t told the significance of Jesus’ body not decaying; but I think it goes beyond it’s simply a poetic way of saying Jesus was resurrected. It’s as if God protected Jesus’ body against the indignity of decay which is a consequence of sin. To me it’s saying Jesus was innocent and God knew it.

Whatever the reason, the bigger point is the Bible is filled with connecting stories. Many of them are connected to the resurrection. Everyone knowing Jesus had earlier resurrected Lazarus was supposed to be proof of His resurrection. Sadly at first everyone missed it.

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