PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Timothy 6:4 – Feel by Association

Because we both “see by association” and “hear by association,” our eyes and ears pick up parts and our brains fill in the rest by experience and familiarity. We can rightly “raed teh wrods” even when spelled incorrectly. Our brains can function on less than perfect information. This is the foundation of puns and things worse!  When hearing and reading, much to our consternation, it is easy to confuse a beaver with a Beiber. On Facebook I even read “fresh tamales” as “fresh females.” Sometimes it is so obvious we have misheard or misread, that we blink our eyes and do whatever you do to ears, knowing we haven’t heard or seen right. The above is nothing new and everyone would agree, and even chuckle. We also, though, “feel by association.” If our “association” is often negative towards a person then we either rightly “have them pegged;” or we are unconsciously making “evil suspicions” (1 Tm 6.4). Possibly, our feelings are not filling in the blanks with the proper information. There is even the danger of associating them with us, so we transfer our ways, feelings, and thoughts, onto them (i.e., Transference). This is when we have to remove the plank to wipe clean the speck (Mt 7.1-3). Therefore “being quick to hear,” means “being quick to rehear again.”

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