PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Peter – Jesus is the Pattern; Jesus is the Outline

After reading 1 Peter, let me just say WOW! I am beginning to think 1 Peter is the most “patternistic” epistle in the NT, more so than Paul’s glorious epistles. While Paul and Peter preface the practical with declarations of the gospel; Peter interweaves the glorious gospel themes together more seamlessly. Instead of the first half being theological and the latter section being practical (i.e., Ephesians 1-3; Ephesians 4-6); Jesus is constantly being connected to our living out the gospel practically in 1 Peter.
For example, what is the guiding principle of local shepherds within a congregation? Whatever it is, that guiding principle is so essential, it is also connected to other thoughts presented throughout Peter’s epistle. That pattern of ruling includes the past suffering of Jesus and His future return (1 Peter 5:1-5). So, by “patternistic” I mean, Jesus is the pattern throughout everything that we follow: Jesus and His imitators are: Chosen; Temporary Residents; Holy; Suffering; Hopeful; Rewarded.
If you want a book that teaches how to serve like Jesus, how to live the cruciform life – how to be a “cross-shaped church” – check out 1 Peter. It’s not a book of theory and mysticism, but of hard realities. When looking for the outline of 1 Peter consider this – Jesus is the outline!

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