PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Different Reactions to the Same Event

It should not come as a surprise that different people react differently to the same event. Oftentimes there is no right or wrong response. Sometimes we should look at others, see their reactions, and conclude we need an attitude adjustment. Here are different reactions to the cross.
1. Stumbling Block (1 Cor.1:23) – Many Jews couldn’t religiously handle a crucified Messiah. In fact they concluded, based on conflicting prophecies, two Messiahs: the Triumphal Victor was the son of David; the Suffering Servant was the son of Joseph. The cross violated their preconceived religious thinking.
2. Foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:23) – Many Gentiles, schooled on Greek philosophy, considered the body evil and the spirit superior. Death is a release from bondage. So salvation via a crucified body that further leads to a resurrected body was foolish. The cross violated their preconceived philosophical thinking.
3. Despised the Shame (Hebrews 12:2) – Contrary to the purpose of the cross from a judicial point of view, Jesus refused to be a victim. “He despised the shame.” Jesus would not allow the world’s view of the cross to violate His purpose.
4. Power, Wisdom, and Peace (1 Corinthians 1:18; Ephesians 2:14-16) – Power is the opposite of weakness, and wisdom the opposite of foolishness. But God’s power was weakness to them. And to them God’s wisdom was foolishness. Then God takes these Jewish, Gentiles, and Romans, and does the unthinkable – He makes peace between these hostiles, and makes peace between them and Himself. That was different than what anyone was thinking.

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