PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19 – Sacred Space

Sacred space. Defined, that is space filled or inhabited by God. The burning bush, Mt.Sinai, and Jesus incarnated are all examples.
When we read 1 Corinthians, a most troubled congregation, we see how the “body” (3:16 ; 6:19) houses the Holy Spirit. In the first, the body is the church; in the second the human body.
This is why sexual sins and division are equally wrong; emphasis on equally. And yet how easily the latter is dismissed. Division is not just the introduction of false doctrine; it includes our treatment of one another. Are we dismissive? Are we haughty? Division can come from the rich considering themselves “approved” of God. I take 11:19 as another example of Paul’s sarcasm. Why would he here approve of division when the book is written to denounce it (1:10ff)?!
We are sacred space, both individually and collectively. Let’s live like it. Let’s treat each other as sacred space.

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