PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Ephesians 4:7-16 – The Work of the Church: Changing Lives

I grew up in an atmosphere that focused more on what churches cannot do, than on what a church can do, should be doing, must be busy doing, and actually did. James 1:27 was not preached on except on how not to apply it. Speaking analogously, gardens are never planted by only pulling weeds. Negatively is needed, but the sun gives necessary energy to grow.

I grew up living five acts makes a faithful Christian and faithful church:

  • Christians – Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, Baptism.
  • Churches – Preaching, Singing, Communion, Contribution, Praying.

If what I grew up with is lacking, then what should churches be doing? Churches should be in the business of changing lives by preaching and practicing the gospel. The gospel is more than a story, or 5 step program. Changing requires putting off and putting on (Col.3). Changing lives is more than changing what doctrines someone believes. Changing what doctrines one believes should lead to changing lives (Eph.4:7-16).

Back to me again. I fear that I fail to change enough, and to change enough lives. If I personally am failing, then maybe others are also; which means churches are failing as well. Why is it that the Jehovah Witnesses are known for evangelism and not churches of Christ? Why is it that the Mormons are known for moral living and not the churches of Christ? It is not that churches of Christ are known for not evangelizing or for immoral lives; it is that we are not known for much other than certain “peculiar” (i.e. to others) doctrines.

When someone becomes a Christian, accepting correct doctrine, accepting Jesus and His truths, they are doing more than just changing churches or habits. They are changing entirely. Our reaching up to God in worship is about praising our Creator; and allowing that praise to change us. Our reaching in to one another by deeply studying the word of God is about edifying one another; not just intellectually but spiritually. Our reaching down to needy saints through charity is more than fulfilling a command; it is about fulfilling the needs of oneness. Our reaching out to outsiders is more than just changing doctrinal beliefs; but as in all of the above, changing lives by walking worthy of Christ is changes us (Col.2:6).

This is the work of the church. There is much we cannot do, but even more that we must.

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