PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Ephesians 2:1 – Fuschia Mistakes

Strolling through the Biltmore Estate, my wife and I passed through the Azalea Gardens.  Stunning!  The colors were vibrant and varied.  Again…stunning!  My favorite azalea was a color unfamiliar to me.  I asked my personal color expert – my wife – what that awesome color was.  She said…“fuchsia.” 

Ahh, uhh, I am too masculine to think that fuchsia is stunning.  In fact, I even had to look up how to spell that feminine sounding color.  Then it got even worse!  I discovered fuchsia is a bright pink!  Uhhggg!  That hurts my manly sensibilities!

But I have a solution.  Instead of calling it “fuchsia” I will rename it “macho-el-macho.”  That is a name that I can live with!  What was my favorite azalea color?  “Macho-el-macho.”  I feel better now.

Enough silliness.  Despite my protestation and posturing, there is no doubt that I liked the color, fuchsia – at least on a flower.  Changing its name will not change reality…even if it is much to my consternation “bright pink.”  This leads to our serious application.

Spiritually, are we guilty of changing names to sooth our consciences? 

Hebrews 2:2 – For if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty…,

Ephesians 2:1 – And you were dead in your trespasses and sins,

Sin, trespass, disobedience, transgression…I think I prefer “mistake,” “dysfunctional” or even “immaturity.”  Those words don’t mess with my self-worth and sensibilities.  I can accept making a mistake…but “sinning?”  Changing its name unfortunately doesn’t alter the reality of the lawlessness though, does it?

Jesus did not bleed fuchsia or any other color.  For my sins, Jesus bled red…blood red.  And that He did it for me is just stunning.

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