PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Colossians 2 – Seeking Things Above

This is not about my back. When I recently saw the surgeon, it was the first time he detailed how much of my back might need fusing – from the L3 down to S2. I admit I was taken aback (!). The discography I will be undergoing is to see if there is any way to limit this because once you start fusing vertabrea it’s like stacking sandbags against flood waters. The discography is extremely painful – no anesthesia. So why go through with it? Because I’m not the doctor. Remember, this is not about my back. We are to keep our minds on things above (Colossians 2). Our spiritual lives necessitate making difficult, even painful, decisions to allow God to remake us in His image (Colossians 2). If our spiritual life is easy, then we are remaking ourselves instead of Jesus. He is the great surgeon, not us. We need to stop operating on ourselves and let the great physician be the expert. Even though it will be painful.

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