PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts 2 – A Template for Fellowship

A Template for Fellowship – “To be saved hear, believe, repent, confess and be baptized; then keep confessing, keep repenting, keep believing, and keep hearing to stay saved.” This chiasm is simple, and yet it might help us solve something so many find complicated – fellowship. “Who Can We Fellowship?” should be as simple as that first post. Consider the following; on the day of Pentecost the apostles preached, “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will received the gift of the Holy Spirit.” That “repentance” was specifically for the sin of crucifying Jesus as per the sermon taught. It did not involve knowledge of every sin committed, and yet that state of repenting covered all. That is what justification by faith is. As long as someone who is baptized lives confessing Jesus as their Lord and Savior which is more than just words; as long as someone who is baptized lives repenting of what they know to be sin; as long as someone who is baptized lives believing in Jesus and believing Jesus; as long as someone who is baptized lives hearing, listening, and is willing to based upon that to believe what is truth, repent when they find they are in error, and confess Jesus as Lord who is in charge of their lives and of truth, I can fellowship them. Will we all be equal in our journey of knowledge confessing, repenting, believing and hearing? No, just like on the day of Pentecost those repenting had no idea yet of so many things. And yet that day began a day of fellowship where “they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42).

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