PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts 2-4 – Bummed About Bible Studies

Bummed About Bible Studies that Don’t End with Baptisms?
That didn’t go as hoped. Entering the Bible study there was a possibility of 1-3 baptisms. Everything progressed well, and then fell apart (at least in my eyes). Instead of 1 or 2 or 3 burials with Christ, we left with none. However, there was a quiet and sincere promise, “We will see you in church.” I pray for a new opportunity. Got to admit though, I was bummed. Then I thought of a biblical passage which gives me hope again. But before that….
Remember Acts 2 where 3000 received the message to be saved from their crooked generation, and were baptized (Acts 2:40-41)? Jews from 15 nations attended that Pentecost. Josephus tells us that there were 3,000,000 Jews at the Passover in A.D. 65 (Wars 2:14, 3). That doesn’t give us the number of how many attended around 30 years earlier on a different but still required traveling holy day. Nevertheless, 3000 is 1% of 3,000,000. Making the number of baptisms appear smaller is still not where I am going.
Ever wonder how many were not converted that day? In Acts 4:4 we see more are added to the 3000. Now the Lord’s people number around 5000 “men” (which might not include women and children in the count). Is this the first time the 2000 (or more) heard? Maybe. It could be the second time they heard (or even more). First on Pentecost but didn’t obey the call to be forgiven; and then soon after that.
When we have a Bible study that doesn’t end in baptisms, don’t give up hope. These individuals may just need a little more time, or another message of salvation. That’s why I still have hope. Now you see where I am going.

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