PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Bad Attitudes Make For Bad Arguments

What makes for a bad discussion even before the discussion? A bad mood; and bad attitudes.
Notice the time frame of the following which Matthew alerts us to by the phrase, “at that time”. “At that time” (11:25; 12:1) shows that within the time frame of 12:1 and the Sabbath confrontations, we have 11:25 and what proceeds that (11:7-24). There is no way the Pharisees liked what they heard. Talk about toes being stepped on! The point that is important here is that in both scenes we have confrontation.
Jesus correctly confronts the Pharisees; and then the Pharisees unjustly confront Jesus and His disciples.
Why this is important is this very valuable lesson: It is very difficult to discuss what is right or wrong when we are emotionally charged. Then we are looking for a fight! the lesson for all is: Attitudes are just as important as methods when trying to establish authority.

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