PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Authenticity in Raising Children

Every godly parent wants their children to imitate their faith, as Paul said the Corinthians should his (1 Corinthians 11:1). Parental fear involves our children walking away. Since Proverbs 22:6 is a proverb, not a promise; how do we help our children have their own faithful walk with God?
1. Authenticity in how we act. Jesus often spoke against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees (Matthew 23). Do we want our children to fail, or even become twice the child of hell we are (Matthew 23:15).
2. Authenticity in explaining why and what we believe are two keys. Jesus answered the questions people asked, especially His apostles (Matthew 13,22). They didn’t always understand at first; so answer and let their comprehension grow as they start to connect the scriptures to God’s reality (John 2:17).
3. Authenticity by others is not their ultimate source of discipleship. Emphasize their faith is in God; not you, and not people. This protects from the disillusionment born of folks who are not authentic (including their parents). Jesus knew where He came from and endured betrayal directly and personally by God’s people (John 13).
None of this guarantees our children will walk with God; but authenticity shows we take our faith seriously. Help your children be authentic for Jesus.

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