PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

A Modern Parable – Everything In Its Place Can Be Painful

A Modern Parable: Started my January 1st exercise program this morning. I spent about 30 minutes stretching back and forth, otherwise known on December 31st as trying to get out of bed. Seriously though, when I pulled my left knee up to my chest, something popped in my back/hip area when I was stretching. I continued and finished my stretching because nothing hurt after that. As my wife is fond of asking me, “Was that a good pop or a bad pop?”
However (when someone says “however” that is a fancy way of saying “but”)…. When I got up out of bed, I could barely walk. I’m fine now, but here is the point – Something was out of place before and yet I functioned fine. No doubt the little pains I had were due to this displacement. Putting “whatever” in its proper place caused enough pain to make me wonder if something I did made it worse. I kept walking and eventually felt better. Ironically, I have no doubt that my back had adjusted to being out of adjustment. I also have no doubt that getting “whatever” where it properly belongs is beneficial even if it caused momentary pain. Here are two spiritual lessons: 1) We can function fine but that does not mean everything is right or can’t be better if we put everything in its proper place; 2) We can cause momentary pain in trying to get our life fixed by following God, but that doesn’t mean we have made a mistake in putting everything in its proper place. I’ll let you decide which one apply to you; but probably both. He or she who has ears to ear, let them hear.

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