PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

A Coffee Pot Parable

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a coffee pot. When the coffee was poured out there was nothing but cool water. The coffee grounds where in place. The percolator was plugged into the wall. The plug was inserted into the percolator. But it was cool to the touch. It had everything needed, except the plug into the percolator was loose. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Someone said, “Please explain the parable to us.” The coffee pot represents the Christian. Everything has been given that is needed. The water is baptism. The coffee grounds are a grounded church. According to appearances everything had been done properly. The problem was the Believer did not have a solid connection to the source that makes everything work. If you don’t see the results desired, check your connection. Don’t judge appearances, judge by the results.

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