PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

4 Wrongs Heard Preached In Church

Here are four “wrongs” churches can hear preached:
1. Wrongs in Denominational churches
2. Wrongs in “our” churches
3. Wrongs in our church
4. Wrongs in “my” life
• Two of the four can produce pride.
• Two of the four can produce humility and repentance.
• One of the four is heard by mostly old-time preachers.
• One of the four is heard by new-time preachers.
The above is of course a generalization because there are exceptions:
1. All 7 churches of Asia read all 7 letters.
2. Paul wanted the Laodicians to read the letter to the Colossians and vice versa (4:16).
3. Apparently all the churches of Galatia were infected with the same false gospel (1:2,6)
However, if the exception becomes the rule, then we become the rule maker instead of God. If we preachers preach like the epistle writers wrote, two of the four are what all churches and all Christians (including us preachers) need the most.

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