PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

First and Last Week

| December 17, 2019

Why is the creation story, the first week, told the way it is? It is because of the last week of Jesus.Beginning of Old Creation –On the 6th day God breathed into man the breath of life and Adam lived (Genesis 2:7).Beginning of New Creation –On the 6th day The God/Man breathed out the breath […]

Two of the Most Worthless Types of Preaching

| December 17, 2019

Two of the most worthless types of preaching, teaching, posting, and believing are:1. Constantly haranguing on “them” without looking at “us”.2. Constantly haranguing on “us” without looking at “me”.

1 + 1 = 3

| December 17, 2019

1 + 1 = 3, if we redefine 3 to mean 2. “That’s ridiculous”, you might be thinking. True, except it is more common than it should be. The Supreme Court redefined “marriage”. More commonly, “You’ve taken me out of context” when they didn’t; or “That’s not what I meant” when that is exactly what […]

Pi and the Existence of God

| December 17, 2019

I don’t know of a single mathematician that:1. Denies Pi is immaterial and exists outside of the realm of the 5 senses.2. Denies Pi is infinite because definitionally there is no last digit.Now plug in God:1. If Pi can exist outside of the realm of physical reality than philosophical materialism is false and therefore the […]

Is Everyone Qualified to be Baptized?

| December 17, 2019

Not everyone is “qualified” to be baptized. Does that sound harsh? Then let me explain.The Ethiopian eunuch asked, “What prevents me from being baptized?” On his mind was probably the restrictions placed on people such as himself which kept him from entering the temple or Tabernacle (Deuteronomy 23:1). He was not “qualified”. Philip gives him […]

John 9 – Why did Jesus use Spit?

| December 17, 2019

Why Did Jesus Use Spit?Jesus spat on the ground, made mud, and covered a blind man’s eyes? First, that is disgusting! Second, the blind man is hearing everyone talk about him, but not to him which I imagine happened often. This makes the marginalized feel invisible. Third, I wonder upon hearing Jesus spit, how often […]

Psalm 22 – When Reading Scripture is not Enough

| December 17, 2019

When Reading Scripture Is Not Enough “What passage can I read when I am feeling….?” That’s an oft asked question, so much so some Bibles come with a section of suggested readings for such times. But what do we do when reading is not enough? Psalm 22 has one of the most poignant and well-known […]

Psalm 22 – The Feelings of Feeling Forsaken

| December 17, 2019

The Feelings of Feeling Forsaken (Psalm 22)“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Psalm 22:1). When feeling forsaken or abandoned, the devil will tempt us with other tangential thoughts, preying on our vulnerability.What other emotions would also be present when feing abandoned?• Self doubt – “Am I not good enough? “• Confusion – […]

The Cross is the Tree of Life

| December 17, 2019

When Jesus walked the earth, I imagine it much like when God walked in the Garden (Genesis 3:8). At first there was joy being around His creation. Then that final walk for each came because of sin, and the sin brought deaths. Because of sin Adam and Eve walked away from the tree of life, […]

Why is Abortion so Popular?

| December 17, 2019

Why is abortion so popular and applauded? It is power over the vulnerable. Jesus became the most vulnerable, and then the most powerful was threatened. Both Herod and those who “love” abortion are protecting their positions even if it means destroying the vulnerable. Unfortunately, abortion is not the only example. Even gossip in a church […]