PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Nehemiah 5:1-13 – Praying through the Bible #151 – A Prayer that is Expensive

| November 5, 2014

To whom should God’s people show more care? Should believers show equal care to believers and unbelievers? What about more to those outside the faith, evangelistically? Nehemiah 5.1-13 describes the disloyal treatment of Jews to Jews during the reconstruction of the city’s wall. Looking outward at the enemies, the remnant protected one another (4.6-23). Looking […]

Perryism Poem – Phew in a Pew

| November 4, 2014

PU, alternately it’s spelled. “Phew!” exclaimed means stink, stench, and smell. Not for few, its fatigue, relief; Felt at last when sermon not brief. P H sounds like the F in “few;” Phew smelled by many in a pew. So preach well and preach to each heart; B4 their “seats” want to depart.