PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Ferguson, Missouri

As we wait on the verdict in Ferguson: 1) Regardless of whether you agree with the Grand Jury decision, exercise your constitutional rights constitutionally; 2) It doesn’t matter if you are black or white or whatever because if the rights of one are being wronged, the rights of all are being wronged – and that applies to racism and due process; 3) If you are a Christian who wants to protest, remember being a Christian supersedes being an American or a race; 4) Whether you are a Christian or not, if you get violent, the government is a minister of God, even if imperfect; and they have a constitutional and biblical right to protect the innocent protesters (Rom.13). 5) It is better to suffer as a Christian than to suffer as a lawbreaker (1 Pet.4:15-16). 6) Words and silent suffering are more powerful than violence, a lesson taught by Jesus and learned by Simon the Zealot (i.e, Revolutionary); so if you are a leader, lead as a imitator of Christ; 7) The only “right” that I have to comment on this as a white person is as a Christian first who loves all regardless of race, because in Christ we are all one (Gal.3:27-28).

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