PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 5:3-10 – The Beatitudes as Attributes of God

Did you ever wonder why the Sermon on the Mount begins with these Beatitudes? Jesus could have said, “Blessed are those who are dead in sin, for they will be forgiven.” “Blessed are those who have no hope, for they will be given life.” “Blessed are those who have been defeated and beaten down, for they will be lifted up.” All of those fit us, don’t they? All of those

are true. So why didn’t Jesus begin with these instead of blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, are gentle, who hunger and thirst after righteousness, are merciful pure in heart, are peacemakers and persecuted for righteousness sake? One of the most shocking realizations I came to in studying the Sermon on the Mount, is that the Beatitudes are…the attributes of God.
• If our goal is ultimately to be like God (5:48);
• If the Beatitudes help us to achieve the righteousness found within the Sermon on the Mount (5:20);
• If God fulfills the need within each Beatitude (5:3-8);
• Then the Beatitudes themselves are attributes of God.
That is the exact reason why we are blessed by God when sharing these attributes because we are imitating a blessed and blessing God (5:48).

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