PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Jude 4 – Creeping in Unnoticed

For certain persons have crept in unnoticed. How could this happen? The answer involves not only looking outwardly, but inwardly in self examination.

How people look and sound affect our acceptance or rejection of them. Does he wear suits and ties? Does she sport the latest fashion? Are these newcomers speaking “our language?”  While there is nothing wrong with dressing nicely, we must remember that slick packaging doesn’t tell us what is in the package!

Are we so eager to fill the pews that troublemakers are welcomed while we wear rose colored glasses?

Could it be that we are so focused on ourselves that we simply do not know what’s going on? How well do we know each other? Do we spend time outside of the assemblies getting acquainted?

Maybe the most dangerous way that false teachers slip in unnoticed is through their own gradual spiritual disintegration. Remember the proverbial frog sitting in a pot a slowly heated water? When that happens, the false teachers end up creeping in unnoticed upon themselves.

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