PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

A Simple Explanation of Authority

| December 13, 2018

A simple explanation of what is authority: AUTHORity comes from the AUTHOR. If something is AUTHORized, it is because the divine AUTHOR AUTHORed it in His book.

Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18 – Lane-Splitting

| December 6, 2018

Lane-splitting is legal in California. That means a motorcycle can ride in between the cars in traffic if the pace is stopped or slow. The purpose is to alleviate traffic. BUT this is not about motorcycles so keep reading. Lane-splitting is illegal in other states according to their statutes. However, in some places it is […]

APTITUDE – Interpretive Principles – How to Let the Bible Explain Itself – When Studying Difficult Passages

| December 3, 2018

APTITUDE – Interpretive Principles – How to Let the Bible Explain Itself – When Studying Difficult Passages The word of God is inspired and does not contradict. Conflicts due to circumstances, culture, and incomplete information on our part. Conflicts also occur when we pit one text against another. Also (and this will be discussed more in […]

Hermeneutics – The Principle of “Share-ability”

| November 11, 2018

An interpretation that the author and reader can share. (Heard this today listening to a lecture and thought it interesting. The point was to not introduce anything into the text the writer and reader wouldn’t be aware of and couldn’t share).

John 12:13,15

| May 27, 2017

John quotes in 12:13,15 messianic prophecies which both the crowd and Jesus quote. Then John records, “His discIples did not understand these things at first” (John 12:16). I am constantly amazed at what the apostles did not know considering they had attended synagogue all their lives (yes that is an assumption based on their willingness […]

Matthew 12 – How To Establish Authority

| July 21, 2013

Matthew 12 makes a good study in how to establish authority. Three essential truths found within the text is: 1) Authority is found within Scripture; 2) Scripture must be applied for it to have any meaning; 3) Truth can be found, understood and applied. Authority is established by four means: 1) Command – You have […]

2 Samuel 6 – Grace On Every Page

| March 18, 2011

Grace is written on every page of the Bible. But blood is not. Grace is written in ways that blood does not need. The very breath we take is grace. God’s word breathed out through the Holy Spirit is grace. The breath Jesus exhaled declaring “it is finished” is grace. And God’s waiting breath, waiting […]

Three Time Periods

| January 4, 2011

For every book in the Bible, there are at least three “time periods” – The past, the present and the future. The past is the history being recounted, because most if not all the books were written after the events being described. The present answers the questions as to why that book was originally written, […]

Genesis 2:21-22; 15:12 – Bad Hermeneutics and Bad Humor

| December 22, 2010

God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. God caused Abram to fall into a deep sleep. While sleeping, God brought a wife to Adam. While Abram slept, “suddenly a terror and great darkness descended on him.” This is an example of where if you put two verses together that don’t belong, you can […]

Romans 7:14-25 – Dangerous Motivations for Studying

| August 29, 2010

It is dangerous, even if necessary, to study a text because of the use or misuse of that text by others. The result is that instead of reacting to the text itself, we react to a person’s use or misuse of that text. That puts a person in between us and the text. That can […]