PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Psalm 11:4 – Eyes

All of our lives are videos replayed to us through the observations of others. Sometimes we are embarrassed by what we see. Sometimes we are embarrassed by what we are. We can close our eyes to the world; but we can’t close the eyes of the world. Neither can we close our eyes of ourselves after we see through the open eyes of others. Then we must choose. We can change; or close our eyes, ears, and blind our mind to the most embarrassing fact of all – we don’t like what and who we are. Not liking who we are makes it harder to believe God loves us; and that it makes it all the more necessary. So focus on this; what and who we are is not nearly as important as who and what God is. God loves us even though He continues to see it all; even what we blind ourselves to see. So if you see yourself in what I have said thank God life’s videos can be erased and recorded over.

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