PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

2 Chronicles 1:1-13 – Praying through the Bible – A Prayer to be Responsible

Imagine getting a job where you have had no previous experience. Nervous? Plus, you are the youngest person in the office, and yet you have been chosen to be the boss. More nervous? The owner of the company tells you, you have his full support and that you can have anything you need, including naming your own salary if you wish, or requesting life-time employment and job security. What would you ask for?

In my early 20’s I looked up to a man not much older than myself, amazed at his knowledge. His intellectual capacity far exceeded mine. He was about 25 years old, and soon I would be too. I couldn’t wait to be twenty-five, because then I would be like him, and know sooooo much. On my 25th birthday, I remember waking up very disappointed.

No, I didn’t switch topics between the first and second paragraph. Have you figured out your answer yet? Would it be a large salary? Would you want tenure so you could never be fired? Or would you not even think of wants? The first paragraph is not a hypothetical situation. It is a true life story, updating the situation, recasting it into today. The new, young, inexperienced employee is…Solomon.

After being appointed king, Solomon is at Gibeon, sacrificing and praying with his people. Yahweh appears to him in a dream, saying, “Ask. What should I give to you?” (2 Chronicles 1.7). Wow, what an opportunity. Imagine your employer coming to you, or the owner of the company, and asking, “What do you want? Name it and it is yours.”

Solomon answers by beginning with God’s grace: “You have shown great and faithful love to my father David, and You have made me king in his place” (1.8). Praising God takes priority over receiving God’s gifts. How can we ask for more if we aren’t thankful for what we have? Solomon knows what he has he didn’t get on merit. “Now grant me wisdom and knowledge so that I may lead these people, for who can judge this great people of Yours?” (1.10). Simply rephrased, Solomon is asking for help. Asking for help is a confession of inadequacy. Knowing he is inadequate is not a sign of a debilitating lack of self-confidence, but self-awareness brought on by humility and an acute awareness of reality.

Before David died, he told Solomon to be a man (1 Kings 2.2). Using one word to define manhood, I would choose, “Responsible.” Being king is a responsibility wherein others are dependent on Solomon. All the money in the world would not make Solomon adequate, or make the right decisions for him. Responsibility does not come from a paycheck, but from within and from above. Hearing his request, the owner of Israel granted His employee wisdom and knowledge, along with riches and glory (1.11-12).

Prayer Challenge: Is it easier to pray for wisdom or to believe we need it. Pray not only for wisdom, but that we will truly understand how dependent we are on God for wisdom.

About The Author


2 Responses to “2 Chronicles 1:1-13 – Praying through the Bible – A Prayer to be Responsible”

  1. Jim Carmody says:

    Thank you for another thought-provoking post. I need to be reminded, and remind myself, that I need a lot of work.

  2. PHall says:

    Thanks for the encouragement!