PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 1:28 – Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex

Do you want to hear something shocking? Every one of us was made by God to have sex. All of us are sexual beings, and that’s not a bad thing. In fact it is not only a good thing, it is a “very good” thing (Gen.1.31).

Now you might not consider that shocking, but Christian history would disagree. Being sexual is considered by some a byproduct of the fall of man (Gen.3). “Scholars” even believe Adam and Eve’s sin itself was sexual, that God never intended on them actually having sex. For others, the sexual aspect was indeed part of the creation, but it never was intended to be powerful,  just a method of propagation.

In searching the Bible, the Holy Spirit reveals four distinct, divinely approved purposes for a husband and wife’s marital relations.

  • Procreation (Gen.1.28)
  • Affirmation (Gen.3.16; Song of Solomon)
  • Recreation (Song of Solomon; Proverbs 5)
  • Protection (Proverbs 5-7; 1 Cor.7)

Sex is God’s choice for populating the earth. God meant for children to have parents to raise them which is one reason why sex is reserved for marriage. “Baby Mommas” and “Baby Daddys” are meant to by God to be Married “Baby Parents.”

But sex is also called “making love” which is very appropriate. Husbands and wives show they love each other in a variety of ways, but this one way is extra special. Men, here is a little advice, wash the dishes. Women consider that a very sexy aphrodisiac!

When I say that sex is recreational, I mean that sex is meant to be fun, pleasurable, and enjoyable. If you do not think sex us fun, you are not doing it right. If God did not intend on husbands and wives enjoying each other’s bodies, He wouldn’t have made those special body parts filled with nerves. That’s the only time it is good to get on each other’s nerves. Sex is like food. Both are meant for survival, but also enjoyment. If we weren’t designed to enjoy eating, why would God have created us with taste buds? So it is also true with sex. If sex wasn’t to be enjoyed then why did God make it feel so good?

Finally, sex between a husband and wife protects each of them from committing adultery. That does not mean that this protection is negative. Isn’t something positive if it keeps us from sinning?

Four biblical reasons for married people to have sex, sex, sex, and sex.

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