PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 1-2 – Occam’s Razor and Creation

Have you ever heard or read something that became a life-guiding principle? When I was little, my mother said about a preacher who became an agnostic – “He studied himself out of the Bible.” Simple faith got replaced by educated “explain-aways.” Maybe that is one reason I accept Occam’s Razor in interpreting the Bible – “the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false.” When the explanation is “God,” man keeps trying to present new evidence. Usually the new evidence is not as simple as “God.”

In defending the Biblical account of creation, I am content to be called “uninformed,” refusing to put on the uniform of the elite masses. I believe, “In the beginning God.” I believe “then God formed Adam.” I believe what believers accepted for 1000’s of years before sophisticated man felt the dangerous need to explain what God calls us to accept. Since the beginning of time believers accepted that God created. Now we are called to believe God is not the Omnipotent Creator, but rather is the Great Evolver. I believe that science actually confirms this simple faith, but not because I believe science. It is because I believe in the first four words of the bible – “In the beginning God.” When it comes to the “hard sciences” most believe in God. And if you can believe the first four words, then you can believe all the words that follow.

That is why the resurrection is believable. It recreates creation. And for the last couple of 1000 years, Satan does not want us to believe in that. There are “explain-aways” for a literal resurrection too. That is why I believe in salvation from sin by faith. It too is a recreation of the beginning (Romans 4). So I am content to keep studying the Bible, and to not study myself out of it. If in eternity I am proved to be wrong, at least it is because I had more faith in God, than in my ability to explain away God.

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