PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 1:1 – An Axiomatic World

A statement is axiomatic if it needs no proof because it is true by the definitions of the words themselves: A servant is not above his master; water is wet; etc. Denial comes when people willingly ignore the obvious which is becoming the new legal norm: Men are no longer only males; marriage is no longer only between males and females. Denying the axiomatic truth did not begin recently but it almost always is driven by the desire to make immoral choices. The entire Bible begins with an axiomatic statement which supplies additional information: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Earth being created is axiomatic because it is matter and matter itself decays and therefore is not self-existent. Since matter is not self-existent it must have had a beginning. The Bible supplies who began and created – God. Denying both of these is driven by the immoral desire to be our own Lord and master. So in the end the servant becomes greater than the master but only in a purposely delusional mind where definitions do not matter and nothing is true unless we want it to be true. It is axiomatic such is not a rational world.

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