PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 1-2 – Complementary or Contradictory?

A young lady approached me wanting help with the “contradictions” between the two creation accounts in Genesis 1-2. Firstly, these two chapters don’t contradict; they are complementary to each other just as coins have both heads and tails.

The first coin

  • Genesis 1 is geocentric focusing on the earth.
  • Genesis 2 is androcentric focusing on Adam and Eve and their home in the garden of Eden.

The second coin

  • Genesis 1 focuses on mankind’s, both male and female, shared spiritual identity – in God’s image.
  • Genesis 2 focuses on mankind’s physical identity – Adam out of dust; Eve out of man.

The third coin

  • Genesis 1 shows male and female having ontological equality – both in God’s image and therefore, both functionally ruling over the earth.
  • Genesis 2 shows male and female having functional differences – subjection of the female and yet, not inferior, because she is created to be equipped to help the male. Being a helper implied ability, as well as compatibility; but even more importantly, complementary supplement for the express purpose of completing the Divine will for humankind, His greatest creation.

The fourth coin

Differences are even found in what God is called. This has made some conclude the chapters had different authors. Once more we must look deeper into intent:

  • Genesis 1 God is Elohim who creates everything which emphasizes God’s power.
  • Genesis 2 has, what is revealed later to Moses, God’s personal name, Yahweh (equivalent to Jehovah). This emphasizes the more personal side of creation; which is shown in how Yahweh individually forms Adam and Eve. This more personal view shows Yahweh to be concerned for Adam’s needs.

Secondly, all of this shows that if we want to understand a text, especially those that are seemingly contradictory, we must first understand the writer’s purpose. What appears contradictory is, often, beautifully complementary.

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