PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 6:33 – Moving

There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Every year it is the same.  It happened this year and will happen in the year to come, and those following.  People move out, and people move in.  Proximity to friends and family will be gained and lost. Ties will be tested.  Friendships will begin, and extend.  People and families have moved in and joined us (Acts 9:26).  We have lost many good friends and families from moving out.  Some areas are more transient than others – this one is very transient.  A high percentage of the people currently here were elsewhere, or else unbelievers, when my family moved in.  Yet, a congregation “on the grow” cannot rely on “transfer growth” within the kingdom in order to grow.  And yet again, we should pray that God moves strong Christians here to help people transfer from Satan’s kingdom to God’s.

Colossians 1:13 HCSB  He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son He loves,

Some move by choice, and some by necessity; but seldom do people move, “just for the sake of change.”  Reasons for moving vary: propinquity to family, job related incentives (i.e., promotions, raises, to get a job), or even health reasons.  All of these are common, expected and understandable.  Children grow up and often move away.  Years pass and this then sometimes causes older parents to move too as they want to be near their children and grandchildren.  Questions of “what if” begin to loom, for all of us as we witness people moving away – “What if I moved to…”

Regardless of motivation, moving is difficult, physically, emotionally, but not necessarily spiritually – unless it is our concern and love for the spiritual well-being of those left behind (2 Corinthians 11:28).  To make this life-altering decision easier, I would like to suggest a test we all take, whether it applies to us moving to a completely different area, or simply moving to another congregation within driving distance (or even others moving here). 

  • How will this affect me spiritually?
  • How will this affect the spirituality of my family?

Other ways of phrasing this question are:

  • How can I best serve God?
  • How can God’s gifts to me best be used for Him?

To paraphrase Jesus, in this move, How can I seek first the kingdom of God? (Matthew 6:33)

For some, the answer will be resoundingly yes – we need to move to work for God.  I know of one family who prayed God would move them to a place they could use their talents more effectively in His Divine service.  I know of another family who moved away to spiritually help their unbelieving family members.  Some members call and check out congregations before moving to see if the move will be spiritually harmful or helpful.

Possibly some might accept moves that increase their financial status because of spiritually mature interest in helping God’s causes (1 Timothy 6:17-19) or to simply support their family (1 Timothy 5:8).  Others might reject moves even if the financial benefit would be greater, because the spiritual situation would be weaker.

Even health reasons can have a spiritual beckoning.  In the middle of discussing Timothy’s ministerial responsibilities, Paul says, No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments. (1 Timothy 5:23)  Why interrupt his discussion to insert this personal notation?  My guess is that Paul knew it is hard to do God’s work when one is sick, and doing God’s work can sometimes cause us to be sick – emotional turmoil leads to physical torment!  Just ask anyone going through church problems.

This year has almost come and gone, resulting in people coming and going.  Let us hope and pray every move, whether away or to us, is a move for God’s kingdom.  In reality, this article is not about just moving – it is about every day life:

  • Are we seeking first the kingdom of God…in everything and every day?
  • Are spiritual realities as much a part of our decision making as financial realities?

Let’s close with some questions for all of us, as we considering our place in the kingdom, whether we have moved or not:

  • Are we currently using all of our talents for God in this congregation?
  • If we are not, is it something within the congregation hindering you?  Are we limiting yourself?
  • How easy or difficult is it to make every decision in light of seeking first the kingdom of God?

May every decision move us spiritually closer to God.

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