PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Luke 23:46 – Jesus’ Death Was Ordinary

The death of Jesus was ordinary; no different than the literally billions who died before and after. Like Jesus, everyone who has died took their first breath and then one day breathed their last (Luke 23:46). Jesus’ death was no different.

By now you are possibly experiencing angst, denial, or curiosity as to what I mean. My meaning is found in the meaning. While Jesus’ death was no different in the physiological sense; the meaning of Jesus’ death is vastly different. Jesus gave meaning to His suffering as glorifying His Father (John 17:1).

My overall meaning is this: Give honor to your pain. Grieve with God who grieves with you. Share your pain with Jesus who shared our pain. In this you choose to give your suffering meaning. You choose to let God’s works be found in you (John 9:3). Suffering in its origin is from Satan introducing sin into the world (Genesis 3); so when we let God use our suffering we honor God and defeat the Devil. Like Job, we can’t always find the reason for our suffering; but we can always find meaning – to glorify God. Just like Jesus (Romans 5:1-5). Doing that is extraordinary.

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