PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Timothy 2:12 – Women Preachers?

Personally, I want both men and women to be in authority over men and women in the church. I want women to be elders and preachers. I don’t like subjection theology. However….If God had wanted women to be in roles of authority over men in the church, then God would have sent Jesus as a female. If Jesus had wanted women to be in roles of authority over men in the church, then Jesus would have chosen at least one female apostle. If the Holy Spirit had wanted women to be roles of authority over men in the church, then the Holy Spirit could have not inspired Paul to write, “I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man” (1 Tim.2:12). And finally, if subjection is a sign of the curse (Gen.3:16), then…Jesus was cursed in being in subjection to His Father. The Holy Spirit is cursed in being in subjection to Jesus. The church is cursed in being in subjection to Jesus. And a wife is cursed being in subjection to her husband. Problem is, what I want doesn’t matter. I am in subjection to God. And that I like.

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