PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Peter 3:1-7 – A Glass of Water

Every night the wife places a glass of water on her husband’s nightstand. Every night he never drinks it. But he told his wife every night to do this. Sadly this reminds me of how some treat God. They want Him near just in case they need Him. And yet somehow they never feel the thirst only quenched by drinking the water of eternal life. Good wives who are married to unbelievers do this spiritually. Constantly they live the type of life their husband’s want – they submit, lead pure and respectful lives (1 Peter 3:1ff). And although the husband wants her to do this, she does it mainly for God, hoping her husband will want to drink God’s water of life.

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