PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Galatians 5:20 – Idolatry, Sorcery And Superstitions

I would like to suggest to you that superstition is another form of idolatry and sorcery.  An old definition of superstition is “the excessive fear of the gods.”  Theodore Parker observed, “Yet, if he would, man cannot live all to this world.  If not religious, he will be superstitious.  If he worships not the true God, he will have his idols.”  The very existence of superstitions implies an unquestioning assumption that there is some power (or powers) external to man himself, which is capricious, tyrannical and highly dangerous, a force that must be cajoled and won over to one’s side, or, it if hostile, kept at bay.  At the root of every type of superstition lies a belief in magic, which is a philosophy to which man resorts again and again whenever his modern gods fail him; in short, when his faith wilts and he becomes afraid.

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